Slider Maker
Beatles video slideshow - jQuery slideshow made with Slider Maker

How to create Beatles video slideshow - jQuery slideshow made with Slider Maker IN NO TIME !


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All the following slideshows, galleries and sliders have been built without coding
using the simple intuitive Slider Maker admin panel.

Image slider for a creative agency.

This slider uses custom animated layer texts, custom css for button over image and Google font

Full featured image gallery.

This image gallery includes thumbnails, arrows, animated texts, buttons, ken burns effect

Simple jQuery News Slideshow with right side thumbnails

This slideshow includes titles & animated text layers with Google font.

Full window Black and white slider with Ken Burns effect. Well-adapted for any screen or device.

Beautiful images fill the screen, no extra stuff, only navigation buttons to let Ken Burns effect do its magic.

This photo slideshow is presenting the very best high resolution images from Hubble Space Telescope : galaxies, nebulae, Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

Including full text description from NASA Hubble Space Telescope

jQuery Photo Slideshow with custom script to add tooltips over images

Multilingual Paint Gallery with Side Thumbnails.

Example of Well-known paintings with English, German, French and Spanish descriptions.

jQuery Slider - The Green Slider

Beautiful green images with Ken Burns Effect & animated layer texts with Google font.
As usual, Built without writing any line of code.

Slideshows and galleries on same page

You just have to copy/paste generated codes where you want to display each slideshow or gallery.

Slideshow with beautiful photos of various wild life animals

This one is a 16/19e Slideshow with Ken Burns Effect, arrows navigation and Captions.

Will keep proportions on any screen/device.


Get a slideshow in no time without any coding

Integrate your jQuery Slideshow, gallery, or carousel following a simple copy and paste process. You just need copy java script and html codes and paste it then into your page.

jQuery Silder Maker helps you in making flawless slides fit for all mobile devices and other screen sizes. You don't need to use any code rather everything will be done automatically for you.

Now you don't need to waste your precious time for coding and configurations. A simple and easy to use drag-n-drop maker can help you in creating an effective jQuery photo slideshow. You can easily add titles, caption, and other things in your slide.

Having all modern tools, this photo slideshow maker helps you to build a responsive jQuery slider for websites, galleries, carousels, and other things.

Just upload Slider Maker on your PHP server, choose theme, customize it, and you will have your slideshow published.

why choose Slider Maker to create jQuery Slider

To get a slideshow in no time without any coding. This is what you want, right? You must choose Slider Maker in this case because it provides you a better platform to make jQuery slideshows for websites without any programming, coding, or configuration. It provides a simple yet quality and high-performing platform to build a perfect slideshow.


by the Slider Maker to create jQuery slider

A simple, easy, and intuitive admin panel for non-coders.
Whether jQuery, Material Design, or something else, you can integrate them and can have admin dashboard of all.

Integrated file browser :

  • Add a directory using jQuery slideshow maker.
  • Upload your favourite images and Slider Maker will automatically create different version of them to fit all the screen sizes and devices.
  • You can also order your images using drag and drop option.
  • Add text : captions, titles, legends, animated layers (all fully multilingual)
  • Setup layout & settings: thumbnails, arrows, buttons, dimensions, durations, full screen, loop, and other relevant things
  • Choose & preview theme according to your choice and requirements
  • Copy / Paste code to your page to get the final publication

What makes Slider Maker different

Slider Maker provides a distinguished and better platform for users to create slides in just seconds. We offer a compatibility to design jQuery slideshow on all browsers, screens, and devices. We follow international standards in providing fast, error-free, and tremendous services to our users.