Simple Image Slideshow with Animated Layers, no extra stuff. Autoplay, responsive & touch-swipe.
Multilingual Paint Gallery with Side Thumbnails, Titles, Legends & Captions. Auto-height & shuffle images
Gallery with Smooth Green Theme, Ken Burns Effect, Animated Layers (Google Fonts) & Bottom Thumbnails
Full Window Responsive Photo Slideshow with navigation buttons, Arrows, Ken Burns Effect & Full Screen button.
16/19e Slideshow. Ken Burns Effect with only arrows navigation and Captions. Will keep proportions on any screen/device.
Creative Agency Slideshow - Google Font, Animated Layers & buttons links
Several Slideshows on same page with different configurations.
Hubble Images Slider - Beautiful deep sky photos from Hubble Telescope using Ken Burns Effect
jQuery Green Slider - Beautiful images with Ken Burns Effect & animated layers.
Simple jQuery News Slideshow with thumbnails, titles & animated layers
jQuery Photo Slideshow with tooltips over images
Video slideshow with Beatles videos from Youtube
Simple jQuery Carousel